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Designing a framework for an advanced ecological civilization

Masterminding EDEN is a revolutionary initiative to create self-sustaining, regenerative, disaster-resilient human communities. We aim to design, simulate, and build a city through multidisciplinary collaboration and collective intelligence.

If the experiment is a success we can use it to inform all areas of society.


Masterminding EDEN is a collaborative initiative to design and build a conceptual model and master plan for a resilient, regenerative, self-sustaining city/habitat.


To attain this we are bringing together people from diverse fields for a month-long co-living think tank and mastermind in Spring 2025. We will be doing so at the Next Gen Village in Switzerland. Through collaboration, knowledge sharing, and project acceleration, our group aims to create a framework for future cities that supports an advanced ecological civilization.

We stand at a pivotal point as technology, climate disruption, health crises and social tensions transform society in unpredictable ways. Incremental change cannot address such systemic global risks. We urgently need a fundamental redesign of the societal paradigms that govern our institutions and way of life. The time has come to collectively dream, learn, connect and forge the systemic shifts humanity needs to thrive. This gathering offers a space to create - not tweak - operating frameworks attuned to people and planet over profits. For the future wellbeing of all life on Earth

1 month Mastermind Spring 2025

Some Participating Organizations

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